New car silhouette vector downloads. British classics

Written by: Kristofer Turner



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This is our first post. We want to keep you updated on new car silhouette vectors and some of our own sticker projects and ideas for your own. But today we will start with what we have done most recently.

Last week we added these classics in our half silhouette style.

Morris Minor 2-door.

Mk2 Ford Escort in 2-door.

Mk1 Ford Escort in 2-door with normal and bubble arches aswell as the 4-door.

Austin Metro , Metro Turbo and of course the legendary 6R4!

And yes also a standard Mk5 Ford Escort 5-door. We dont see many of those on the road anymore so always great when we get requests for vectors like this.

All are ready for purchase and download and come in SVG, EPS, AI and PNG format. We make new car silhouette vectors daily.  Requests take priority so please get in touch if you cant find the car silhouette you are looking for in our store.